Untitled. 2001. Vinyl on wood. 80x80cm.

Anti. 2001. Vinyl on wood. 80x80cm.

The kiss. 2001. Enamel on wood. 80x80cm.

Your mouth. 2001. Enamel on wood. 80x80cm.

Blue are the hills that are far away. 2000. Enamel on wood. 80x100cm.

Blue are the hills that are far away. 2000. Enamel on wood. 80x100cm.

The Long and Fucking winding Rd. 2000. Vinyl on wood. 80x100cm.

The Long and Fucking winding Rd. 2000. Reflective vinyl on wood. 80x100cm.

Cape Town sunset. 2001. Vinyl on wood. 80x80cm.

Cape Town. 2001. Vinyl on wood. 80x80cm.

Through the silence, something throbs and gleams. 2001. Reflective vinyl on wood. 80x80cm.

Through the silence, something throbs and gleams 2001. Reflective vinyl on wood. 80x80cm.

Detail from ‘Through the silence, something throbs and gleams’ 2001. Reflective vinyl on wood. 80x80cm.

Detail from Through the silence, something throbs and gleams 2001. Reflective vinyl on wood. 80x80cm.

ROA. 2001. Oil on canvas. 80x80cm.

Rob Andersson. 2001. Oil on canvas. 80x80cm.

Retro lounge art. 2001. Vinyl on wood. 80x80cm.

Retro lounge art. 2001. Vinyl on wood. 80x80cm.

Sandton. 2001. Neon and reflective vinyl on wood. 80x80cm.

Sandton. 2001. Neon and reflective vinyl on wood. 80x80cm.

Scandanavia I. 2001. Vinyl on wood. 80x80cm.

Scandanavia I. 2001. Vinyl on wood. 80x80cm.

Powerpuff girl. 2001. Enamel on wood. 80x80cm.

She’s gonna kick your ass. 2001. Enamel on wood. 80x80cm.


Wishing I was her. 2001. Oil on canvas. 80x80cm.

Wonderwoman. 2001. Oil on canvas. 80x80cm.

Anti II. 2001. Vinyl on wood. 80x80cm.

 Untitled. 2001. Vinyl on wood. 80x80cm.

Page from Wallpaper magazine I. 2001. Oil on canvas. 80x80cm.

Wallpaper magazine I. 2001. Oil on canvas. 80x80cm.

Page from Wallpaper magazine II. 2001. Oil on canvas. 80x100cm.

Alphabet code I. 2001. Reflective vinyl on wood. 80x80cm.
‘Goodbye and now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.’ -The Little Prince

Alphabet code II. 2001. Reflective vinyl on wood. 80x80cm. ‘On one star, one planet, my planet, the Earth, there was a little prince to be comforted. I took him in my arms and rocked him. It is such a secret place, the land of tears.' -The Little Prince

Alphabet code II. 2001. Reflective vinyl on wood. 80x80cm.
‘On one star, one planet, my planet, the Earth, there was a little prince to be comforted. I took him in my arms and rocked him. It is such a secret place, the land of tears.’
-The Little Prince
