Luminoso has created the most incredible, interactive Colour Cloud of color names.
A while ago, xkcd ran a survey asking internet users to name colors. They collected two million data points and the results have been made into this complex and beautiful visualisation. It’s best viewed in Chrome. Make sure to play with the different controls to see how Luminosty have sorted the results of the survey into colours people like, colours people dislike, colours named by women in stark contrast to colours named by men, as well as edible colours. You can also select whether you’d like to see a simplified or more complex version of the cloud, and there are a variety of colour formats to choose from -I think it’s best viewed in theHSL format.

Here’s a broad perspective of the most popular names:


And my favourite is the names sorted into a ‘Positivity’ colour cloud:


There’s also a ‘Negativity’ colour cloud:


And look at the difference between the way women name colours:


compared with men:


Please do yourself a favour and go play with this beautiful, layered Colour Cloud.
More information about Luminosity’s visualisation can be found here.